Foreign Body
Coin lodged in esophagus. (Courtesy Dr. A. Waitzman)
Study Smarter
Coin lodged in esophagus. (Courtesy Dr. A. Waitzman)
“Thumb sign” showing a swollen epiglottis seen just at level of hyoid bone. (Courtesy Dr. M. Mian)
“Steeple sign” showing inflammation of tissues in narrow subglottic space. (Courtesy Dr. M. Mian)
Right thyroid goiter with calcifications.
Axial CT scan of maxillary sinusitis. Note air-fluid level in left maxillary sinus. (Courtesy of Dr. A. Waltzman)
Axial CT scan of choanal atresia (arrow indicated bony obstructive plate). (Courtesy of Dr. Papsin, HSC)
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Axial CT scan of expansive tumour arising in the nasopharynx and causing bilateral nasal obstruction. (Courtesy of Dr. Irish, UHN)
Lateral plain film. Note significant tonsillar (large arrow) and adenoid (small arrow) hypertrophy leading to significant narrowing of the nasal and oral airways. (Courtesy of Dr. Papsin, HSC)
Coronal MRI of Left Acoustic Neuroma (Courtesy Dr. Nedzelski)
Retropharyngeal Abscess
The left image is of an axial CT scan of left retropharyngeal abscess.
The right image is a lateral plain film of retropharyngeal abscess demonstrating a significant amount of pervertebral soft tissue swelling and an anteriorly displaced trachea.
(Courtesy of Dr. Papsin, HSC)