Case 3 – Arm Pain Spousal Abuse

You are seeing Mrs. McNeil, a 31 year old female in your general practice clinic. She states that she recently injured her arm while cleaning her home. Take a focused history of her complaint.


  • Inquires about circumstances in which injury occurred
  • Timing of injury
  • Mechanism (patient eventually discloses that she had been physically abused by her husband)
  • Other recent injuries
  • Visits to hospital for other reasons
  • Asks about any medication use
  • Alcohol/drug history
  • Determining social context at home (lives with husband, two young children)
  • Inquires if husband was verbally abusive
  • Inquires if husband was sexually abusive
  • Whether husband has used weapons to harm patient, or has access to weapons
  • Extent of injury in the past
  • Asks if the children have been abused
  • Asks if the children have witnessed spousal abuse
  • Asks if the husband has a substance abuse problem
  • Asks if patient feels safe at home
  • Asks if friends/family are aware of the abuse
  • Inquires about emergency plans to escape in the event of further abuse
  • Asks if she has access to financial resources
  • Asks if she would like help from a counselor
  • Asks if she would like support from community resources
  • Asks if she would like legal counseling
Case 3 – Arm Pain Spousal Abuse