
Pancreas – CT

This series of abdominal images is meant to depict the location and appearance of the pancreas by CT. The pancreas is seen just anterior to the aorta, and is fairly centrally placed. The tail is to the left, while the head is to the right. Note the easily visible pancreatic duct seen in the first image of the series. [Courtesy of Dr. N. Jaffer]

Pancreas - CT

Virtual Colonoscopy

CT colonography (virtual colonoscopy). 3-D endoluminal and 2-D axial CT images shown in parallel for same colonic lesion. Images demonstrate the importance of comparing both images for determining extent of identified lesions. Endoluminal view shows intraluminal part of lesion only, while the axial image demonstrates serosal extension of the lesion allowing for more accurate staging (arrows). [Courtesy of Dr. N. Jaffer]

Virtual Colonoscopy