Female Anatomy – Normal
Laparoscopic Image of Normal Female Anatomy
Note the uterus (left) and the ovary (right). (Courtesy of Dr. S. Kives and Dr. R. Spitzer)
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Laparoscopic Image of Normal Female Anatomy
Note the uterus (left) and the ovary (right). (Courtesy of Dr. S. Kives and Dr. R. Spitzer)
Laparoscopic Image of Endometriosis
Note brownish-black “powder burn” implants. (Courtesy of Dr. S. Kives and Dr. R. Spitzer)
Cystic mass on ovary arising from ectopic endometrial tissue. Commonly referred to as a “chocolate cyst”.
Eversion of cervical canal, with columnar epithelium farther outside the external os of the cervix. (Courtesy of Dr. G. Likrish)
Condyloma Acuminate (“Genital Warts”)
Soft cauliflower-like, skin-coloured masses in clusters; associated with human papilloma virus (HPV). (Courtesy Dr. S. Kives)
View of the cervix. Range from pinhead to papules. (Courtesy of Dr. W. Chapman)
Low-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesion stained with acetic acid. (Courtesy of Dr. G. Likrish)
Invasive cervical cancer. (Courtesy of Dr. G. Likrish)
Microscopic endometrial stroma and glands present deep within the myometrium. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Zberiranowski)