Diabetic Retinopathy No. 1
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Fan-shaped network of new blood vessels branching onto optic disc (neovascularization). Also note dot hemorrhages and microaneurysms.
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Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Fan-shaped network of new blood vessels branching onto optic disc (neovascularization). Also note dot hemorrhages and microaneurysms.
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
Red-free image of previous image Proliferative Diabaetic Retinopathy.
White exudates surrounding hemorrhages and areas of necrosis. Distinct border between diseased and normal retina.
Note venous dilation and tortuosity, intraretinal hemorrhage, cotton wool spots. (Courtesy of eyelearn.med.utoronto.ca)
Note retinal pallor with cherry red spot. (Courtesy of eyelearn.med.utoronto.ca)
Presence of rust ring on cornea after removal of metallic foreign body.
Corneal laceration that has been sutured with 7–8 interrupted stitches
Irregular dendritic (branch-like) lesion of corneal epithelium stained with fluorescein.
Adenoviral conjunctivitis with conjunctival injection. (Courtesy of Department of Ophthalmology, University of Toronto)