Pityriasis Versicolor
Brownish-white scaling macules on trunk.
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Brownish-white scaling macules on trunk.
Multiple round to oval erythematous patches with fine central scale. (Courtesy of Dr. L. From)
Discrete, umbilicated pearly white papules.
Hemorrhagic papules or petechia with purpuric centres in acral distribution. (Courtesy of The Hospital for Sick Children Slide Library, Toronto)
Honey-coloured, “stuck-on” crusts, and erythematous weeping erosions.
Hemorrhagic vesicles and pustules on an eythematous base limited to a dermatome. Note V1 distribution above including tip of the nose, called “Hutchinson’s sign.” (Courtesy of Dr. L. From)
Grouped vesicular eruption (herpetiform arrangement) on an erythematous base of skin.
Rash associated with lyme disease. (Courtesy of Dr. J. Keystone)
Streptococcal infection of the superficial dermis consisting of sharply delineated edematous plaques with raised margins. (Courtesy of Dr. M. Mian)
Macerated or eroded erythematous patches; often studded with papules, pustules, and “satellite” lesions.