Kidney Stones
Coronal non-contrast CT images of kidney stones.
A. left-sided stone obstructing the ureteropelvic junction. B. Lower pole non-obstructing stone.
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Coronal non-contrast CT images of kidney stones.
A. left-sided stone obstructing the ureteropelvic junction. B. Lower pole non-obstructing stone.
Non-contrast CT scan showing renal cell carcinoma with large tumor in left kidney.
Ultrasound image of the ‘string of pearls appearance’ present in PCOS, which refers to numerous small follicles visualized at the periphery of the ovary. (1)
(1) Ponnatapura J, Dyer RB, Ou JJ. The ovarian ‘string-of-pearls’ sign. Abdominal Radiology. 2019;44:1181-1182.
MRI image of adenomyosis.
“The most easily recognized feature is a thickening of the junctional zone ≥12 mm, either diffusely or focally (normal junctional zone thickness is up to ~5 mm)”. (1)
(1) Gaillard F, Thibodeau R, Liao A, et al. Adenomyosis. Reference article, (Accessed on 17 May 2024).
Ultrasound image of adenomyosis.
“MUSA features typical of a uterus with adenomyosis include an enlarged globular uterus, asymmetrical thickening of the myometrium, myometrial cysts, echogenic subendometrial lines and buds, hyperechogenic islands, fan-shaped shadowing, an irregular or interrupted junctional zone and translesional vascularity on colour Doppler ultrasound examination.”(1)
(1) Van den Bosch, T., de Bruijn, A.M., de Leeuw, R.A., Dueholm, M., Exacoustos, C., Valentin, L., Bourne, T., Timmerman, D. and Huirne, J.A.F. (2019), Sonographic classification and reporting system for diagnosing adenomyosis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 53: 576-582.
Patient Name: John Smith; Age: 62; Gender: Male; Chief Complaint: Difficulty urinating
You are a medical student doing a clinical rotation in the urology department. John Smith, a 62-year-old male, presents to the clinic with complaints of difficulty urinating for the past few weeks. Take a focused history of his complaint and perform a physical examination.
Your tasks:
Case Script:
Classification of cryptorchidism according to the location of maldescended testis in relation to the inguinal canal, with respective relative frequency of incidence: abdominal or intra-abdominal testis (top red oval), inguinal or canalicular testis (middle red oval), and suprascrotal or high scrotal testis (bottom red oval).
Depiction of unilateral left-sided hydronephrosis with a filling defect in the left ureter
Ultrasound scan showing a tumor on the back wall of the bladder.
Computed tomography (CT) scan of the bladder showing bladder carcinoma (arrow).