Routine Forceps Delivery
Routine Forceps Delivery
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Routine Forceps Delivery
Approach to Management of Shoulder Dystocia using the ALARMER Mnemonic
Cardinal Movements of Fetus During Delivery
Source: Toronto Notes Textbook
Fetal Attitude
Fetal Positions
Source: Toronto Notes Textbook
Types of Breech Presentation
Source: Toronto Notes Textbook
WHO Analgesia Ladder for Acute Pain
This ladder is used to guide pharmacological management of acute pain in patients. The patient must be asked to rate the pain out of 10 or use the Visual Analog Scale to determine severity.
Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve
The HbO2 saturation curve shown here, demonstrates the relationship between the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood and the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen in blood. In conditions of a right-shift, there is reduced affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin which allows greater delivery of oxygen to the tissues. In conditions of a left-shift, there is a reduced affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin causing a decrease in delivery of oxygen to the tissues.
Liver Cirrhosis