Atherosclerosis Histology
Histological view of an atherosclerotic fatty plaque. (courtesy of Dr. Jagdish Butany)
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Histological view of an atherosclerotic fatty plaque. (courtesy of Dr. Jagdish Butany)
Cross-sections of multiple arteries from a patient with atherosclerosis, seen as white fatty plaque occluding the arterial lumen. Various degrees of stenosis are seen. Some of vessels showed evidence of plaque rupture and formation of a fully occluding thrombus (black arrows). (courtesy of Dr. Jagdish Butany)
Gross anatomical view of an aortic dissection. The true and false lumens of the dissected aorta are shown (courtesy of Dr. Jagdish Butany)
The ventricular wall is much thicker compared to that of a normal heart. (courtesy of Dr. Jagdish Butany)
The ventricle is enlarged with normal thickness of the ventricular wall. Note that this gross specimen also shows a lateral wall infarct stained as white myocardial tissue.