Erythema Multiforme EM No.2
The macules and papules can have various appearances but tend to be monomorphic in a given patient. (Courtesy Dr. S. Walsh)
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The macules and papules can have various appearances but tend to be monomorphic in a given patient. (Courtesy Dr. S. Walsh)
Macules/papules with concentric, light and dark erythematous rings. (Courtesy of Women’s College Hospital Slide Library, Toronto)
Erythematous scaling patches. May see with hyperpigmentation, swelling, and ulceration. (Courtesy of Dr. L. From)
Greasy yellow-white scales and underlying erythema.
Sharply demarcated, weeping and crusting papules and vesicles.
Excoriated, lichenified plaques with erythema, dryness, and crusting.
Hyperpigmentation due to atopic dermatitis (eczema).
Atopic Dermatitis affecting the hands of an adult. (Courtesy Dr. S. Walsh)
Well-demarcated, waxy, brownish-black or tan papules/plaques; warty and “stuck-on” appearance.
Tan/brown, uniformly flat macule with irregular borders. (Courtesy Dr. S. Walsh)
Erythematous, skin-coloured, firm, dome-shaped nodule with central keratin-filled crater.