Optic Disc Enlargement No. 2
Slight thinning of neuroretinal rim inferiorly and temporally, deepening of cup, development of pallor (late finding of glaucoma).
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Slight thinning of neuroretinal rim inferiorly and temporally, deepening of cup, development of pallor (late finding of glaucoma).
Optic Disc Enlargement, thinning (or notching) of neuroretinal rim usually beginning inferiorly and deepening of optic cup. Notching thinning of neuroretinal rim tends to occur, inferiorly, then superiorly, then temporally, and nasal is the last on to be affected. (Courtesy of 2003 Dr. Yan)
Concentric Enlargement of Optic Disc
Some inferior and temporal neuroretinal thinning. (Courtesy of 2003 Dr. Yan)
Concentric Enlargement of Optic Disc
Deepening of Optic Cup. (Courtesy of 2003 Dr. Yan)
Acute Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma
Acute secondary angle closure glaucoma, with shallow anterior chamber, cornea edema, and dilated pupil. Similar to primary angle closure glaucoma but precipitated by cataractous lens.
Acute Congestive Angle Closure Glaucoma
Acute congestive angle closure glaucoma, with ciliary flush, shallow anterior chamber, and corneal edema. Pupil is fixed, mid-dilated and unreactive to light and accommodation. (Courtesy of Elsevier)
Bullous retinal detachment with retinal folds on temporal aspect.
Elevated congested disc with indistinct margins, flameshaped hemorrhages, and dilated tortuous vessels.
Pallor of optic disc with sharp margin; attenuated vessels.
(NVD) Early fluorescein angiography image of the eye in image OP35 demonstrating areas of vascular leakage near the disc. 1. NVD; 2. Vascular leakage