Serous Otitis Media
Air bubbles and serous fluid behind retracted amber tympanic membrane. (Courtesy of Dr. M. Hawke)
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Air bubbles and serous fluid behind retracted amber tympanic membrane. (Courtesy of Dr. M. Hawke)
Bulging, hyperemic tympanic membrane with indistinct landmarks.
Firm midline mass that moves up and down with swallowing.
Laryngoscopic Picture of a Laryngeal Granuloma (Courtesy of Dr. J. Irish)
Bell’s Palsy
Unilateral right facial never paralysis. Note patient smiling with mouth droop and loss of nasolabial fold. (Courtesy of Dr. A. Waitzman)
Persistence of branchial cleft remnant as firm cystic mass in lateral neck.
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Endophthalmitis with Hypopyon
Prominent layer of purulent material in inferior aspect of anterior chamber. Note corneal edema and conjunctival injection.
Ciliary flush and constricted pupil.
Scleritis with diffuse involvement on the deep episcleral vessals. (Courtesy of Department of Ophthalmology, University of Toronto)