Right Lower Lobe – Evaluate
The pathological process can be localized in the right lower lobe when the right hemidiaphragm interface is lost (“Silhouette” sign).
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The pathological process can be localized in the right lower lobe when the right hemidiaphragm interface is lost (“Silhouette” sign).
The pathological process can be localized in the lingula when the left heart border interface is lost (“Silhouette” sign).
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The pathological process can be localized in the left lower lobe when the left hemidiaphragm interface is lost (“Silhouette” sign).
Compare Tissue Attenuation
On x-rays because air is less dense and therefore shows up radiolucent (black), increasing amounts of soft tissue or less air shows up more radio-opaque or white. Similarly a “line” on an x-ray signifies air is present on both sides of the line, while an “interface” describes a separation of structures of differing densities.
2. Evaluate for Pneumothorax – Sulcus Sign
Left Image: Depicts the deep sulcus sign.
Right Image: Lateral decubitis view of the pneumothorax. The pleural air will rise above the lung in this view.
3. Evaluate for Pneumothorax – Mediastinal Shift
Large pleural effusions may cause a mass effect, shifting the mediastinum and trachea to the opposite side, and/or causing atelectasis of the adjacent lung.
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1. Evaulate for Pneumothorax – Lung/Air Contrast
A pneumothorax allows visualization of the viscerla pleura as a curvilinear line, paralleling the chest wall, separating the partially collapsed lung from pleural air.
Left Image: Pneumothorax on inspiration.
Right Image: Pneumothorax on expiration.